Warm Up with Ellie

A Look Back: Sleepover at 7 Stages: A Two Night Engagement

Sleepover: April 29-30, 2022, @ 7 Stages

Are you ready for the sleepover of your dreams? From tasty treats for your eyes to daring delights in the air, Celestial Cabaret threw the slumber party revue of the year! Our variety performance collective brought an out-of-this-world experience to the stage. Sleepover held you on the edge of your seat with aerialists, burlesque, drag, contortion, dance and more!

Fly High Club: November 20, 2021, @ Red Light Cafe

Our first full-length production sold out, featuring performers from all disciplines. From circus, to flow arts, aerial, burlesque, fire, musicians and singers…this show has a bit of nearly everything!

Follow our journey @CelestialCabaret

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